Winter Ladder Play Offs

The winter ladder league has concluded and seems to have been a great success given the number of games played. The artificial green has opened up year-round bowling and has shown itself adaptable to all sorts of weather. As agreed at the AGM the winter ladder closed on 31st March and we will now move into a ‘Winter League Merit’ play-off amongst the top eight bowlers and a trophy for the victor. We will open a ‘Summer Ladder’ on 1st May and further details will follow in due course.
Winter League Merit
Match 1: Don Morris v Tim Whalley
Match 2: Steve James v Matthew Gill
Match 3: Dave Ball v Peter Ashcroft
Match 4: Chris Horsfall v Ian Gill
These matches are to be played by Friday 21st April.  The first player named is responsible for contacting their opponent.
Finals morning – Sunday 23rd April (Provisionally)
Winner of Match 1 v Winner of Match 4
Winner of Match 2 v Winner of Match 3
The final will follow shortly afterwards. Both semis and the final will be 21 up. Could you let Ian Gill know of the results of games played please.
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