Busy Green Arrangements

It is great to see so many members enjoying their bowling. Most of the time there is room on the green for everyone to play. However, on occasions there may be too many people for everyone to bowl. We would like to introduce the following arrangements at busy times. If they don’t work we will bring in the online booking system we used during Covid. We would rather not do so because of the additional costs to the club and the effort involved for all.


  1. Maximum of 5 blocks on the green at any time.
  2. If no one is waiting you can stay on as long as you want.
  3. If it is a friendly game please give way to people waiting after you have played for one hour. You can always go back on after a break, if there is a slot.
  4. People playing winter singles league games do not have priority over other people who are waiting. The people who have been waiting the longest, play first.
  5. However, members playing winter singles league matches can play their matches to a conclusion, even if this exceeds one hour.

I’m sure that our members will be as considerate as ever and make sure everyone has a fair crack of the whip.
Best regards and enjoy your bowling. Steve

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